This Is Just The Thing To Wake The Imagination Of Kids And Teens - Awesome Kids Party Idea!
A Labyrinth walk — specifically designed for kids parties and teenage events are one the freshest and finest ideas since sliced bread! A labyrinth walk promotes personal transformation, meditation and problem solving. Children may of course enjoy all those benefits, but for kids parties' — the focus shifts to fun, celebration and friends. The event planning team at Electric Dreamz have some great ideas to share with you which will turn your child or teen’s party into an unforgettable experience.
Reassure The Young Ones
First things first — it is important to explain to the young ones what a labyrinth is and why we practice walking it. Reassure them — that you can't get lost, it's not a maze. There is a beginning and an end point. If you follow the path, you will get to the right place. It’s a little lesson and metaphor for life, subtly sneaked in; the road may twist and turn but we get through life by putting one foot in front of the other. For the very little ones — demonstrate a walk and just let them have fun.
Event tip — Blow bubbles into the labyrinth while kids walk to create a magical experience. Children can participate in a pre-walk, craft activity to decorate and paint stones to then lay along the labyrinth path.
Kids Party Planners
Kids parties are easy to liven up with a bit of paint, music, balloons, glitter and bubbles. Our motto as kids party planners, is that we try to work with every budget — big or small. You don’t have to break the piggy bank to make an event great. A cement floor or courtyard can be transformed easily — draw a labyrinth with chalk and simply hose it off afterwards. You can place items of curiosity along the walkway; toys, treats to eat or hula hoops. Paint and pack colorful stones to shape your labyrinth, tie balloons to the stones to create a 3D-feeling.
Labyrinth At The Beach
For those lucky folks living close to the beach, draw a labyrinth in the sand and you can also decorate the circuits with a bit of color or interesting items. Remember to clean up — leave the beach the way Mother-Nature left it to us, or let an event crew take care of this task. A sandpit will also do nicely, depending on its size. Feeling rough grains of sand under your feet and squishing it with your toes makes everyone happy — even teenagers are not too cool to enjoy this experience.
Labyrinth For Teenagers
Teenagers are a different ball-game. They deal with very significant turning points on their birthdays and it is often scary for them, it may symbolize a coming of age. For teens, you can create a labyrinth with a lot more meaning, aim to encourage and inspire them while being sensitive to what they may experience. Music is key, it is the language that can communicate across age and time. Plan your event properly, get clued-up about what music inspires and excites them and play it during their walk.
Event tip – fill up a container with some inspirational quotes and messages for every teen to extract when they arrive at the center of the labyrinth. Perhaps you can leave a note pad and pens, instead they can write and leave a special message for the birthday boy or girl. You can inscribe messages directly onto the stones you lay your path with, which also makes for a nice take-away gift at an event.